I haven't posted in forever, but I only have a few quick rants about our country's short-sightedness:
-- The GOP is running the mid-term campaigns under the slogan, "It's the Demmicrats' fault!" Sure, no one remembers 2000-2008. It was, after all, so long ago.
-- I heard a Tea Party rap song this morning in which the chorus was, "No taxation without representation!" Hey, there, brilliant guy -- the only way you're being taxed without representation is if you don't vote. (The same moron says later how it's all a lie, just like evolutionary theory.)
-- Every day I hear about how there are fewer new houses being built, which is an economic indicator and that's bad. I know builders need to work, but we already have tons of existing houses on the market, what kind of wisdom says we should be building more? Our economy is so shallow and so fragile that there's no plan B for anything. How about doing some of those repair contracts no one had time to do during the housing boom?
-- All these Tea Partiers who call themselves Constitutionalists and wave "Don't Tread on Me" flags while shouting about "taking back America" don't have the faintest idea what they're talking about. Sure, let's return to a time when black people weren't people, women were property, corporations were even more evilly voracious than they are now, and all the infrastructure we rely on did not exist. Great plan, folks. (Also, the Constitution's rights and guarantees explicitly apply to everyone, not just you.)
-- And here's one for the Democrats: Stop hoping people will notice your successes. The GOP will lie and misdirect and claim credit, and people will believe every word they say, while you sit back and have faith in Americans' ability to reason. Stop that. Get out your trumpet and blow, or we're going right back to the bad old days.
Hmm. I'm done. For now.
I think you're wrong on one thing: some of them *do* know what they are talking about and do very seriously want to go back to a time when black people weren't people and women were property.
Posted by: Bertrand Le Roy | October 27, 2010 at 03:04 PM
I'm sure that's true for some of them (like the leader of the Tea Party Express, a self-outed racist), but do Sarah Palin, Christine O'Donnell, and female voters in the Tea Party bloc want to become chattel, really? I don't think so.
Posted by: alejo699 | October 28, 2010 at 09:37 AM