Am I the only who's sick to death of these oh-so-wordly and cynical "libertarians?" I'm not talking about politicians, I'm talking about someone you actually know. In my experience it's always a guy, he always has nothing but negative things to say about Obama and the "socialeftists" (just learned that one today), and claims to know what the real world is all about. In his real world, the government stops taking communist (or fascist, or socialist, depending on the day) liberties with our sacred Constitution, like trying to provide health care for everyone. He won't cop to social Darwinism, because he'll always talk about how generous he is to charities. He'll never answer a direct question, but will cherry-pick any comment for a way to snidely prove you just don't know. You don't know how it is. But he does.
He knows GWB and Palin are twits, but he'll rarely admit it. He has no suggestions for better leadership. He'd rather hint at fomenting revolution, because -- by God -- that's the only thing that will save this great country. They like to pretend that anything that the government does which is not srictly and perfectly outlined in the Constitution is an abuse of power and is a move toward FCS (Fascisto-Communo-Socialism) -- the Illuminati in all its glory, in other words. (As if the Freemasons would ever allow a Democrat in their ranks!)
I kind of hate this guy. He's worse than the know-nothings on the street because he believes himself to be extremely well-informed and so much more of a critical thinker than anyone who would actually vote in this sham system we have (even though he voted for Bush twice). Actually I want to punch this guy. All of the "this guys." I know it's not civil, it's not a way to win an argument, but let's face it -- you can't win an argument with these arrogant pricks, because they don't even know how to argue. All they know is how to heap scorn. So I'd like to heap knuckles on them. Is that so wrong?
Extremely surprisingly I know one libertarian with whom you can have a rational and civilized discussion. Incredible. Very very smart guy too. I have no clue why he is a libertarian. He did explain but I must be the dumb one. I am confused.
Posted by: Bertrand Le Roy | January 20, 2011 at 08:33 PM
I know two guys like this--one is a big Glen Beck fan also. Neither of them are as outwardly annoying and beligerent as your aquaintance, but they do the behaviors you mention.
Another funny thing, is they both think that our government is slowly moving toward thier libertarian views, and over time the people will come to see the genius of it all.
Posted by: Sam F. | February 16, 2011 at 07:07 AM
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Posted by: Wolleypolve | May 28, 2013 at 08:11 PM
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Posted by: Wolleypolve | June 01, 2013 at 06:33 PM
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Posted by: Wolleypolve | June 24, 2013 at 08:00 PM