the old country
train to Aberdeen - June 12
So let's work backwards. The most recent event so far is that we got a new kitty. This seems relevant to me since the last postings I made were about when we got Monkey (aka Beast, but, of course, we call him Monkey, despite some calling that an unreal name).
We got her from the local shelter and that was a relatively pain-free process. However, being new parents, we, naturally, had new parent panic only the second day we had her home.
You see, she got spayed on Monday, which is why we weren't able to take her home right away. So, we brought her home and placed her in the "guest room" aka Monkey's room and sequestered her away. Less than 24 hours after we brought her home, I was saying hello and hanging out in her little non-Monkey haven and noticed that her belly seemed, well, kind of large. I poked at it, and asked, "Is this normal?"
Sure, it was shaved and shockingly pink for a kitty belly. I have very little kitty belly experience. To be fair, no one has a lot of kitty belly experience. Unlike the sluts of the pet world, dogs, kitties get very angry if you touch, look, even think about their bellies [you should probably stop]. So when I wanted to check out incisions and holy crap is that belly supposed to be that big, understandably, Ramona got angry. She's no silly human girl who lets you judge her without consequences. No, she's a cat. Cats like themselves just fine, thank you very much. Anyway. Despite other household human's experience, I managed to create enough doubt to cause panic in the household. THE SURGERY CREATED A PROBLEM. EMERGENCY VET. EMERGENCY VET! Someone got swiped and bit. Thank GOD, it wasn't me. Can you even imagine?
Also thankfully, we were able to get a hold of the West Seattle Vet and they talked us down from the ledge. Sure, she had surgery, it's going to be swollen, dip shits. We are the DPs of the adopting world.
So she's fine. Turns out, her belly is just larger than it seemed with fur. Turns out, I'm a terrible feminist and she's happy with her shaved, pink, slightly sitting on the floor belly. [We could all take a lesson.]
So yeah, we have a new cat. Monkey can't wait for her to be okay with playing. She loves to dig to China, just like Monkey (YAY!). She is an asshole at 4 a.m. (NO, DO NOT CLAW THE BED AT 4 AM.) Otherwise known as a normal freaking cat. But adorable.
Welcome, Ramona. I don't care if your fake last name is Dupree. I'm calling you Quimby.
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