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July 26, 2005



what's with you and falling down because of a theater class? remember the time when you improvised being a drunk driver in high school and fell off your chair so that everyone in class could see up your skirt? that is a classic moment i will never forget.

C Ro

Oh yeah, there's a day etched in my brain. I think my face is red right now just thinking about it. On the plus side, I did get an A in that class.


Or when you bit it in the middle of the street for no apparent reason. No obstructions, no inclement weather, not even any booze was involved. You just seemed to decide to sit a spell in a downtown intersection. My apologies for laughing.

C Ro

Oh Muffin, I'm planning on a whole separate post about Cute IT Boy and the many times I've embarrassed myself in front of him.


Well, keep me "posted" (ha ha, I'm HI-larious) because I don't want you to forget any of your awesome Cute IT Boy stories.


Since I was included in the byline, I thought I should add some additional comments. More GREAT falling down stories include:
1-Chicago on a lovely April day, C Ro completely collapses. We don't realize she is not with us for a few moments. Simulaneously we look back to find C Ro on the sidewalk. (no alcohol involved at this incident)
2-SleazeFest after much alcohol C Ro wipes out onto a gravel walk tearing up her knee. (Ask about the scar)We later find her passed out during the SCOTS set.
Please know, I only post these to provide more discussion to C Ro's affliction. However, I think I know the cause and cure for these episodes. The platform/clog shoes C Ro insists on wearing. She has not been trained to handle the extra 1 1/2-21/2 inches. Refer to the "Never buy shoes at Target" entry. Love ya

C Ro

Ooohh. I can't believe I forgot about the Sleazefest incident. I'll get right on that one.

No way, totally not the shoes. I swear!

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