or Why Beard Boy and I won't break-up for a long while.
You know that fairy tale Cinderella? I always thought that was the very best story ever because in the end Prince Charming gets the girl by bringing her a shoe. Not some silly people-died-in-the-mines-for-this shiny hunk of rock that serves no purpose, but a shoe. A shoe! Sure some shoe makers probably employ poor sweatshop kids in third world countries, but Fluevog doesn't and shoes? They serve a purpose. Shoes are needed for foot protection. Shoes are needed by me!
Last year for my birthday, Beard Boy bought me these absolutely, positively fabulous shoes that I had been coveting forEVER. I'm not usually very materialistic but these shoes, oh these shoes, I wanted with my very being. They might have been designed by God and they're Satan resistant. No really they are. So, when he bought them for me, I melted. These shoes won my heart. I'm wearing them today and the shine still hasn't faded. They rock. Thus, no break up, even if he doesn't want to get me a real puppy, even if he hogs the bed, even if he wanted to.
Meanwhile, today, John Fluevog, designer of said shoes of love, was in town visiting his Seattle store. I trekked down there. Okay, maybe not trekked, it was 7 blocks. But anyway, I entered the store and was greeted by the genius designer himself and was super star-struck. Of course. He complimented my shoes and introduced me to some new designs himself. Oh Lord, I almost blew my Christmas wad right then and there. I saw at least three pairs of shoes and another pair of boots that I want with all my little grinchy heart. I tried them all on with my Wicked Witch of the West socks (cue theme song) and they still were fucking awesome. Damn I love Fluevog shoes. I was this close to not giving any gifts this year to anyone but myself and also not visiting my family in Vegas for Christmas.
Which is crazy because like I said before, I'm not a fashion hound and hate shopping and generally eschew all things girlie, but hot damn, shoes get me all het up.
I might need an intervention.