First thing's first, I feel obligated to mention that although the title of this post is arguably the best song lyric ever, it is only slightly (i.e. not at all) related to the actual writing in this post. Now you know. Don't blame me if you get confused later. Or something like that.
So anyway, I have two good friends who I really like. Great friends, really. They're always there for me when I call on them. They're always ready to give me the kind of support that I ask of them. Steadfast. Reliable. Fun, too. They're fabulous in almost every way. Except one small thing: said friends don't really like each other. You know what I mean? It's one of those situations where you can't plan an activity with both of them because, well, you don't want a bad situation where everyone's not enjoying themselves. It's incumbent on me to keep them apart in order to avoid conflict. I'm usually very good about that.
Last Thursday night, though, I had a lapse. I met up with Beard Boy at our new fav. happy hour spot, Mission. I bellied up to the bar and decided to share the early evening with Good Friend #1. I will admit that I like Good Friend #1 best, but after hanging out for a bit (and about 500 appetizers), we said goodbye and headed home. Once we got home though, I wasn't ready to settle in for the night and so we put in a movie (Dog Soldiers) and invited Good Friend #2 over. We watched the movie, had a little discussion about the horror movie genre and how much I love Lucius Vorenus, and finally turned in at about 11 or so. Not too late or anything. At the end of the night, I was feeling good. I thought everything had worked out well and congratulated myself on fine planning.
Boy oh boy, was I wrong. I didn't know it at the time, but GF2 was MAD that I had hung out with GF1 already. And come to find out, GF1 was super pissed I left him for GF2. Of course, neither one said anything at the time, and, like I said before, I didn't think much of it. But Lord Have Mercy, did I hear about it the next day! My Friday morning was awful. I was tired and sickly and it was all because I had mixed the two friends.
People, you probably already know this, but in case you weren't sure, take it from me: never drink Gin and Bourbon in even medium amounts on the same night. I have learned my lesson.
Well...let's be honest, I have probably learned my lesson.
PS: Illustration today from the all new: Married to the Sea.
Bonus material: DHC's Whiskey and Gin (track 8), from whence the post title came.
i hate that shit. i had that problem in hs and college. and since i have no friends now i dont' have that problem anymore.
Posted by: sarah | March 07, 2006 at 12:23 PM
No friends would probably do it, but I'm not sure I'm willing to take that step.
Posted by: C Ro | March 07, 2006 at 12:37 PM