So it's the holiday season and it's been an interesting couple of weeks. There was a wind storm which blew out our power for a couple of days and which completely blew me offline for much longer for a couple of reasons:
1) Due to no power, I started reading this book about Iraq and let me tell you it has dragged on for-ev-er. I mean, don't get me wrong, it's very interesting and all, but this guy keeps telling the same story over and over and I'm having a hard time trudging through it, but then I feel like it would be wrong for me to stop for some reason. I don't know, it's weird. Some people may say that I'm compulsive, but they'd be...okay, they'd be right. In any case, I'm going to have to return it unfinished anyway (gasp!) because it's already over a week overdue and the lieberry won't let me renew it. (Bastards.)
2) Right before the wind-ocolypse I installed my brand spanking new (thanks, Daddy!) 400 gb hard drive in my computer and have been waiting not so patiently for us to swap our DSL for cable in the house. All 400 gigs are waiting waiting waiting to be filled up! Oh and don't get me started on the stupid cable "installer" who made me want to just say, "Fine, let's stay with Qwest." I seriously questioned whether the guy could read because he kept insisting that our work order didn't say install, even though it did in more than one place and we STILL do not have TIVO and argggggh. How can we live without Tivo, I ask you. HOW? And even after all that we still need to get a wireless router and a DVD drive so I can play with my laptop on the couch while watching all my favorite reality shows (My Bare Lady, anyone?) and zip up all my DVDs to my PSP memory card. Oh yes, the power outage did make me love my technology even more, as if that was possible. I scare me sometimes.
Plus, I've been diligently working (I know!) at work and only slacking off to order presents online which clearly hasn't been enough since I'm still short several presents. Oh the humanity!
And now you know all my excuses for not posting here and on Metblogs. Are you buying it all?
In other news, I got a poison ring for Christmas that I totally love AND a camera phone which I totally didn't need but hey, we had to have something to make us feel better in the apartment that was colder than our fridge.
Sooo, anyway, that's my story for this week. Going to Vegas in two days. Maybe I'll do a Britney and get married and divorced while I'm there. Who knows? Could happen.