April is a huge birthday month for me. So much so that I don't think I can support another friend whose birthday even borders this month. Seriously, here's the list:
- Dad
- Sister
- Niece
- TWO cousins
- Companion Cube
- THREE Good friends
All those people suffer present-wise because I, well, because I panic sometime around March about all the birthdays I have to shop for and then end up getting crappy stuff or nothing for most of them. It's sad really. So, please no more Aries! And now that I think about it, those in late March and early May get hosed too.
But speaking of birthdays, I did score one great present this year at least. I got the Companion Cube a trip to Colorado for his birthday. We're going to The Overlook Hotel and doing the ghost tour and probably skulking around the National Park. We're going this Friday! I can't wait. It's going to be awesome.
The giving of the gift was pretty sweet too. I had been talking up the present I got him for about two weeks when his birthday came rolling around. I had purchased a copy of the book and, taking my friend Christy's idea, made a bookmark that had "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" typed repeatedly down the front. Then smack in the middle, I hid the details of our trip. He unwrapped the book and although he was very nice, you could tell he was a little disappointed that this book was what I had been talking about for two weeks. Ha! I love it when a(n evil) plan comes together.
I wonder if it'll be spooky. I kind of hope it will, but then again, I kind of hope it won't.
dont-invite-morrissey-to-your-birthday-party care of nataliedee.com
I'm soooo jealous. I love Stephen King (and that particular iteration of The Shining). You'll have to tell me all about it when you get back! Yay!
Posted by: Beth | April 22, 2008 at 11:40 AM