My boss and I were talking on the phone recently. He was trying to bribe me to do something for him. The conversation went like this:
Him: If you do [thing], I'll send you something in the mail. Something green.
Me: Weed?
What? Why did I say that?! Now my boss thinks I'm a pot-head and that's why I have no interest in climbing the corporate ladder. I don't even know how one GETS pot here, let alone has time to smoke it. Oof. Luckily for me, he laughed, but still! Everyone knows alcohol is my vice of choice, except for, now, my boss.
I think this is what happens when one stares at the computer screen too long. You say inappropriate things (and also start to get a sense of pride when you make a great Excel formula). Yes, this is what my life has been reduced to. Although (please don't let this be a jinx), I haven't fallen down in a while. Further evidence of inappropriateness?
On Monday, I told my boss that I thought of him over the weekend.
Him: Why?
Me: Have you seen that show, Flipping Out?
Him: WHAT? That mean OCD guy made you think of me?
Me: Nooooo! I meant [blah di blah].
I don't think I could have backed up faster if I were a raging minivan. In related news, I think my raise this year has just been cut.
img from Toothpaste for Dinner
And finally, I have become an adopter of the latest social media. You know, as a half-assed effort to stay connected in my too much work world. So, if you miss me here and you want to follow me on Twitter or better yet, Plurk, send me an email and I'll send you an invite.
You have no clue how much time I've spent trying to dig myself out of a hole. Examples range as far back as 8th grade:
While I standing next to a door eating lunch, a teacher came through and almost hit me with the door. I say, "Shit! I mean, Fuck! I mean, NO!"
Posted by: HBomb | October 24, 2008 at 11:30 AM