I've discovered that getting in early is no guarantee that one will get any work done. I got in around 7:30 and am completely unmotivated and tired. In fact, I've done probably the same amount of work as I would have done had I come in an hour later. This message goes out to my old boss back in Columbus who was so caught up in my being 2 minutes late that she never focused on the fact that I got my work done. Grr.
It probably isn't helping that I had some annoying work emails waiting for me in the old inbox on top of the fact that I was awakened about an hour and a half early this morning. Note to self: using the cell as an alarm clock has its drawbacks.
So, you can see, I'm totally crabby this morning. I pity the fool who calls me for help anytime in the next two to three hours.
P.S. I think sitting here alone for 8 plus hours a day is starting to get to me.
Who do I have to thank for the 5 am text and can I slap them?
Posted by: alejo699 | November 11, 2008 at 12:39 PM
Whoa, how did you do those little thingies? I love the subtext!
Posted by: Chaya | November 11, 2008 at 01:01 PM
Don't you just hate having to be awake at O-dark thirty. I feel for you, although I don't use the cell as an alarm clock others in my abode do...
Posted by: MOM | November 12, 2008 at 01:35 PM