Greenwood, WA - Aug. 07
I get myself in trouble a lot.
Mostly it's because I have a big mouth and a defective filter. I also am, shall we say, challenged, at gauging appropriateness. I guess that all goes together in one big awkward package. But I like to think that those that love me - and hey, there are people out there that do (hi Mom!) - find my social handicap endearing...or something approximating that.
Not being in an office environment everyday has lowered the occurrence of me saying something stupid to strangers tenfold, but this charming habit has yet to be eliminated completely from my repertoire. In fact, just last week I struggled not to say "ass" in an interview. And this afternoon, I fought against an inclination to correct the 8 year olds next to me on the bus because they were saying "that's what she did" instead of "that's what she said." I'm sure the teachers would have appreciated my restraint had they known.
The bad news is that with the decrease of stranger-horrification, I have increased friend-alienation. I just want to put it out there that if I am giving you far too much knowledge of things that should be private affairs, or if I am grumbling about the crumbs in your beard, or if you know all sorts of boring stories about how I picked the lint from my belly button, I am so sorry. A job will come and I will be back to falling down and inadvertently accusing my boss of being high maintenance in no time.
I don't know what all this has to do with anything let alone the space store, but I'm here and I like that picture, so there.
I love you more when you tell me weird stories. :)
Posted by: HBomb | July 09, 2009 at 02:24 PM