This post was going to be titled: Why Beard Boy and I will eventually break-up, but I really wanted to use another Morrissey Smiths reference, so sue me if it doesn't make sense to you. (Extra points if you know this song without Googling it.)
Just to be clear, here at the start, a break-up is not even close to being eminentimminent. Well, at least not until I publish this post. (Heh.) Beard Boy and I agree on all the important things, such as the evilness of man jewelry, the merits of drinking and going out to eat, how awesome my biscuits are, etc.
However, aren’t there always those small little things that couples will quibble about? Tiny issues that are endearing maybe at first, but over a long period of time become these nasty grudges that you can’t stand and bore all your friends about by constantly complaining until the break-up when you accidentally blurt out that you always hated those God-Damned mustard-colored pants?
Much to Beard Boy’s chagrin, I’ve got a running list of things we’ll disagree about until the end of time. Mercifully, it’s pretty short (only partially because I’ve nagged him into compliance. No, really.):
- Cats vs. Dogs
- Where to store his vitamins: on the kitchen shelf or up his ass?
- The gourmet pizza debate.
- Third Watch vs. Reality TV
- Cold extremities in bed; mostly feet.
- Who is the biggest bed criminal, a bed hog or a cover thief?
These aren’t bad at all, I think. Especially when compared with past boyfriend debates like these highlights: credit scores and why yours makes me act like I’m your Dad; table manners, to use or not to use, that is the question; the pros and cons of sleeping with other people; or my personal favorite, jealousy, all the rage or not so much.
In any case, tomorrow, for your reading pleasure, we’ll delve into the Cat vs. Dog debate. I just know you can’t wait.
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