Portland, OR - April 2006
I'm feeling funny today, not bad, just strange. I think it's the grey skies that we've had over Seattle the past couple of days. It's summer, it's supposed to be sunny and nice everyday. I think I might have jinxed the weather when I told a recent visitor that we don't get any rain during the summer months. Or perhaps it's the yummy Snack Pinoy I just ate. Not used to eating tapioca out of a pouch.
I'm home, as usual, looking at jobs. Waiting for the motivation to do something aside from Bejeweled and Zombies vs. Plants. Perhaps I'll turn on the xbox, perhaps I'll do the huge pile of dishes that the kitty refuses to wash. Or perhaps not.
My dad called me to tell me about the memorial service I wished I had the cash to go to. It's been a very long time since I have been to Pensacola and a very long time since I have seen many of those that were there.
I've been musing about the people that I know that have a very hard time not knowing that the earth revolves around the sun and not them. Which is funny since these people do not have blogs wherein they write about themselves, but I do. What does that say about me? I give myself a break since I don't really think anyone reads this but the few people that I force to.
What are you doing? I haven't spoken to you in ages and yet I'm thinking of you; wondering what you're up to. And please don't just say how tall you are, I am tired of that joke.
How many times in a row does something have to happen before we realize that it's not a strange coincidence that that always happens around me, but rather is a reaction to me or being around me?
One day I'll get back to posting funny stories, I just have to have one happen.
The companion cube's parents are coming to town this weekend. Sounds like we might be taking a trip with them, since the places they're interested in visiting are all down by Portland. I hope so as I am looking forward to getting a little break from the monotony of my apartment.
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