Finally, I have returned to the land of the living and breathing. And by living and breathing, I mean relaxing and not coughing.
I think I'm allergic to the East Coast as I was sick for most of my time in DC. And don't even say anything about correlation vs. causation, I'm not hearing it.
I used to live in DC. For 8 years! In fact I have never lived anywhere for a longer period of time. And yet going back there for 9 days did not do anything to make me miss it. At all. Sure, I have family and friends there and I love and miss them, but shit, they should move here! And if they know what's good for them, they will. I mean, my GOD. The people there. So uptight. About everything. I think I might have given several aneurysms just by driving around in my slow, west-coast grandma-like manner. I know for sure a couple of horns were busted.
The one good thing was that the trip totally helped me appreciate how very much I love it here. So much so that I was a one-woman Seattle tourism board. Not that any of those people will move, the freaks. So many people are rooted in places for no other reason except they already live there. And then they come up with these moronic reasons why they should stay. For instance, one guy told me, completely straight-faced, that he couldn't move to Seattle because of the, wait for it, traffic. "But you live in DC," I said like 15 times. I was so confused. My 8 mile commute in DC often took me over an hour. 8 miles! The same amount of time it takes to get from West Seattle to REDMOND. Sheesh. I guess I gotta let people live their own lives, even if they're doing it wrong.
Yes, this is a lesson I have yet to learn despite the fact that I have been attempting to foist my (correct) opinions on others since oh about kindergarten. I remember very clearly my little friend crying because I told her that her name was spelled J-U-L-I-E not J-U-L-Y. J-U-L-Y is the month July, I insisted, and her parents were wrong. Oh so cute and precocious I was. *cough* And people wonder why I am terrified of children. Although I can allow that not all are as horrid as I was.
But I digress. More stories of my trip to come. For instance: Officer Brad and also falling down at 7:11. In the meantime, let's get pumped up for the geekathon that will be going down in my and living rooms across the country: Battlestar! This video is a combination of two of my favorite things:
And since it's not a full length video, here's a bonus one. It's okay to cry when Goose dies!
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